We are innovative, reliable and affordable.


Welcome to Webtech7

My name is Aline

Do you really need a website?

If you’ve asked yourself this question more than once you’ ve come to the right place!

Let me explain why you most certainly DO Need A Website!  Whether your business is a small, grass roots startup to a large 100+ employee organization, investing in a website becomes a necessary expenditure.

First,  you must view the ferocity of your online  competition and use the information obtained to understand what direction you would like your website to go in. However, in order to successfully create a well designed,  well managed professional website that entices visitors and maintains engagement you must take a few things into consideration.〉〉

Are you tired of the same old casino venues and want to explore a new gaming experience? Look no further than PayMaya Online Casino – the ultimate gaming platform that promises to offer you endless fun, entertainment, and big wins. Whether you’re a seasoned online gambler or just taking your first steps in the world of casinos, maya casino is the perfect place to explore new games, try your luck, and win big. PayMaya Online Casino is an innovative casino platform that offers a wide range of games, payment options, and exciting features to make your gaming experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
With hundreds of games to choose from and a secure and user-friendly interface, it’s no wonder that this casino platform has become a top choice for online gamers in the Philippines. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of PayMaya Online Casino and explore everything that this platform has to offer. From the different games available to the payment options, we’ll take a closer look at why PayMaya is the perfect platform to satisfy your thirst for entertainment and adventure.
One of the first things that will strike you about PayMaya Online Casino is the huge selection of games available. From classic casino games like Roulette, Blackjack, and Baccarat, to slots, table games, and live dealer games, there’s something for everyone on this platform. Whether you prefer the thrill of slots or the sophistication of table games, PayMaya’s game library has you covered. One of the standout features of PayMaya is the live dealer games, which offer you the chance to play against a real-life dealer in real-time. It’s the perfect way to experience the excitement of a land-based casino from the comfort of your own home.

Spletni kazinoji so v Sloveniji vse bolj priljubljeni, saj vam omogočajo, da igrate svoje najljubše kazino igre kar iz udobja vašega doma. V današnjem času je izbiro online kazinojev precej težko, saj je ogromno ponudnikov, ki se jim lahko obrnete. CasinoSlovenja10, spletna stran z recenzijami spletnih kazinojev v Sloveniji, pa se je v ta namen specializirala in preizkusila vse najboljše ponudnike v Sloveniji. V tem članku boste odkrili vse, kar morate vedeti o spletnem kazinoju Slovenija, in kako lahko naša spletna stran pomaga pri vašem izboru –
Prvi korak pri izbiri najboljšega spletnega kazinoja Slovenija je preveriti licenco, ki jo ima konkretni spletni kazino. S pomočjo CasinoSlovenja10 lahko preverite, ali ima spletni kazino ustrezno licenco, ki jo podeljuje vlada v Sloveniji. CasinoSlovenja10 je prav tako preveril, da vsi kazinoji, ki jih priporočamo, upoštevajo najvišje varnostne standarde in so 100% varni ter zanesljivi. Naslednji korak v postopku izbire najboljšega spletnega kazinoja Slovenija je preveriti metode za plačevanje depozitov in izplačila, ki jih ponuja ta kazino in kako enostavna je uporaba teh metod.
Pri spletu držijo najvišji varnostni standardi, saj imajo spletni kazinoji Sophisticated Socket Layer (SSL) tehnologijo, ki šifrira vse podatke, ki jih vnesete na spletni kazino. Naša spletna stran CasinoSlovenja10 priporoča naslednje metode plačevanja: Bančno nakazilo, Visa, MasterCard in PayPal. Tretji korak pri izbiri najboljšega spletnega kazinoja Slovenija je preveriti najboljše ponudbe bonusov in promocij. CasinoSlovenja10 najde ponudbe bonusov in promocij, ki jih trenutno ponuja spletni kazino, in vas obvesti o njih. Pomembno je, da si podrobno preberete pravila in pogoje, da ste popolnoma seznanjeni s tem, kako pridobiti bonus in katere izraze in pogoje morate upoštevati, preden uporabite bonus.

Казината са една от най-популярните форми на онлайн забавление. Те не служат само за да се забавляваме, но и за да спечелим големи суми пари. Макар да има много начини за депозит в тези казина, някои са по-добри от други по отношение на удобството и сигурността. В тази статия, като професионален експерт по онлайн казина, ще ви разкажа за най-доброто казино депозит чрез виваком и какви са техните предимства според изследванията на CasinoBulgaria10.
Виваком е много популярна мобилна услуга, която позволява на потребителите да използват интернет и да осъществяват плащания без да имат нужда от банкова сметка. Това прави тези услуги много удобни за играчите в казината. Казината, които приемат депозити чрез Виваком, предлагат една от най-бързите и ефикасни начини за депозит. Депозитът става лесно и бързо без да има необходимост от да въвеждате сложни банкови данни. По този начин сигурността се повишава, тъй като личните данни на играча са защитени и няма да бъдат разкрити на казиното.
Много казина предлагат бонуси за играчите, които депозират чрез Виваком. Те могат да се различават, но често включват по-добри бонуси, по-ниски изисквания за залагане или безплатни завъртания. Бонусите могат да варират между 50% до 300% от сумата на първия депозит. Това прави депозитите чрез Виваком един от най-добрите начини да се започне игра в онлайн казина. Казината, които предлагат Виваком като метод за депозит, са обикновено висококачествени. Те имат голямо разнообразие от игри и предоставят редица функции, като използване на живи дилъри и много ексклузивни игри. Казината са обикновено лицензирани и регулирани от редица организации, което гарантира, че игрите са честни и с изключително високо качество.

W dzisiejszych czasach kasyno online staje się coraz bardziej popularne, a gracze chętniej wybierają tę formę rozrywki, niż odwiedzanie rzeczywistych kasyn. W związku z tym, tworzenie profesjonalnych recenzji kasyn internetowych jest niezwykle ważne. Jeśli chcesz zostać profesjonalnym recenzentem kasyn online, a może nawet prowadzić swój własny serwis recenzujący, to ten artykuł jest dla Ciebie! W tym tekście przedstawimy Ci kroki, które pomogą Ci przeprowadzić ocena kasyno internetowe jak profesjonalista.
Pierwszym krokiem w przeprowadzaniu recenzji kasyna internetowego powinno być sprawdzenie, czy kasyno operuje na prawie. W tym celu należy sprawdzić, czy posiada ono odpowiednie licencje wydane przez organy odpowiedzialne za regulowanie rynku hazardowego. W przypadku kasyna online, warto sprawdzić, czy jest ono zarejestrowane w UE lub na innej części świata, gdzie działalność hazardowa jest legalna. Kolejnym bardzo ważnym krokiem jest przeanalizowanie oferty kasyna. Musisz zwrócić uwagę na aspekty takie jak liczba gier oferowanych przez kasyno, dostępne opcje wpłat i wypłat środków, a także bonusy i promocje jakie oferuje kasyno. Warto również sprawdzić, czy kasyno oferuje gry w wersji na żywo oraz jakie są limity stawek dla poszczególnych gier.
Testowanie kasyna to kolejny ważny krok podczas przeprowadzania recenzji. Musisz ograniczyć swoje granie do jednej gry, najczęściej w lepszym przypadku jest grą wideo pokerową. Pamiętaj że, nie chodzi o to, abyś wygrał pieniądze, ale po prostu zobaczył, a jak uporasz się z rejestracją, wpłatą, wypłatą i czy system obsługi klienta szybko i łatwo odpowiada na Twoje pytania. Innym ważnym elementem, który musisz sprawdzić, to opinie innych graczy na temat kasyna. Możesz przeczytać recenzje kasyna na innych stronach internetowych, na forach graczy, na portalach społecznościowych, lub nawet na stronie kasyna jeśli takowe są dostępne.

webtech7 suggestions

Your website design  should be:

WordPress Web Design

How can Webtech7 Help you?

At webtech7,  we turn your dream of having a successful professional website design into a reality.  We are a small team of IT professionals right here in Fort Myers Fl, who understand the challenge of this digital era  and adopt  an appropriate work process allowing us to deliver  quality work to our clients.  We believe that  your vision and idea   should be taken very seriously and reflect throughout your website design.

Our goal as professional website designers  is to make this  happen in a  professional,  appealing, secure and functional manner.  Our Fort Myers team is equipped with the knowledge, skills,  good practical experience and tools allowing us to  tailor our website designs according to your  vision and needs.

Our Location

The good news is that our clients in Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, Cape coral, Naples, Lehigh Acres, Bonita Spring, Port-Charlotte Florida, or nearby can visit us in person. While those who live further away can still connect with us online 24/7 via  [email protected]. We are located at 12995 South Cleveland Avenue  Suite 249, Fort Myers, FL,  and open Monday thru Friday. 

Your Value

Remember — We tailor our affordable website designs to reflect the value of each and every client we serve regardless of their ethnicity- That is, if you are African-American, Hispanic, Asian, Haitian-American, Caribbean, and else, our web designs will reflect your value/culture in terms of style, color choice, word choice and more.

So stop by or contact us today  for a free consultation

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(239) 946-0255


We design and develop static and WordPress websites that convert


Get your store online and start connecting with your customers 24/7


Get your site the perfect visibility and increase your leads


We provide both hourly and monthly base fee service.

See our services pricing package

In this web design and development industry, every project is unique and at Webtech7, we tend to treat our website design project as such. So we can’t accurately tell you how much your website will cost without hearing from you. The cost will be based on the type of website you need and how big the project is.  However, we do provide a package for each of our services that we consider as a starting price.  Please have a look at them, and if you have any questions you can always contact us here.

WEBsite design pricing

starting package

Whether for a static or WordPress website we offer a starting package
see Details


starting package

Our ECOMMERCE starting package is subject to change based on the type and size of the project


starting package

We offer an affordable starting package that aims at keeping your site functional and visually appealing

Why us?

We are your online solution

Digital Marketer
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Our website design Portfolio

Here are  some of our works. Have a look!

Compounding Pharmacy

This  website is for a well known Pharmacy. It  is  equipped with modern technology  that allows patients to refill prescriptions, transfer prescriptions, book  appointments, do online shopping, and more .

Consultant service website

Completed just two weeks ago, this is a very modern consultant service website through which clients can have a virtual meeting, make an online appointment, upload/download immigration related and other documents, make an online payment, and transfer money via C.A.M., RIA, and UNITRANSFER  at their own convenience.

Cleaning Website

This cleaning website is well equipped with cutting-edge techlonoly allowing customers to easily book their cleaning services at their convenience, and play instantly. It is live and functional. Get a look at the site and its functionalities.   However, if you are interested in having one with similar functionalities, please let us know. 


This e-commerce website is just released. It is live, functional, and built with cutting-edge e-commerce technology that can directly connect the owner to the manufacturers/ providers and customers.  From the Dashboard, customers can see all their Account details such as their Orders History, their Wishlist,  change their Address, and much more… If you are looking for a similar or different modern e-commerce platform, please let us know. 


This directory website is equipped with the latest technology allowing members to easily display their services on the site, and interact with clients via their own portal/ dashboard.  On the other hand, visitors can also book services, and upcoming events, and buy tickets with just a few clicks.  Get a look at the site and its functionalities.  Meanwhile, if you ever look for a modern website with similar technology or others, please let us know. 

Short-term Rental Property

This rental property website offers a service that is similar to Airbnb where guests who look for a temporary place to stay can book the service and interact with the owner/host via the guest portal for whether updating, upgrading, cancelling, or more. It also allows other property owners to list their properties and manage them without any problem.  If you are in the vacation renting property business and would like to have a similar website or other, please let us.

Non Profit Organization

This  website is designed for a  Non Profit Organization. It  is  live and  equipped with modern technology  that can be used for running  campaign, creating events, collecting funds/donation  and much more. If you look for something similar or different for your organization please let us know.

Online School Plafform

This modern E-learning  platform is designed for student, instructor, individual, school or organization involving in distance learning activities. It is live and can be used for whether online courses, exams, coaching, meeting, marketing, video conferencing and many more. If you are looking for an E-learning website,  do not hesitate to contact us.


This restaurant website is designed with the latest technology allowing customers to book reservation, place order, make payment, schedule  delivery and much more. If you are a restaurant owner  and plan to equip  your current website with similar technology please contact us  for a free consultation.

Real Estate

This website is designed for listing and selling properties. it is equipped with cutting edge technology allowing prospects to see detailed information about any listed  property, get easily  in touch with agents and make an  informed decision. If you are  in the real estate business and look for  a professional website to list and  attract potential buyers we can help.

What People Say About Us

Client Testimonials

I hope you found what you have been looking for

If you have any difficulty deciding please contact us for a free consultation.

I will be glad  helping you convert your vision into an online success.

Česká republika, země s dlouhou tradicí hazardních her, stejně jako mnoho dalších zemí aktivně podporuje online hazardní hry a konečně vytvořila virtuální sázkové kanceláře. Jak hrát, abyste v této pestré možnosti vyhráli.

Ačkoli se může zdát, že naučit se vyhrávat v online casina je velmi obtížný úkol, lze si ho usnadnit, pokud si osvojíte určité techniky a triky, které většina odborníků na tuto hru používá. Vždy je třeba mít na paměti, že i při dodržování strategií hraje důležitou roli náhoda, nelze však přehlédnout, že hraní na tomto typu platformy je vzrušujícím zážitkem pro každého amatéra i experta, a to bez ohledu na výsledky.

Chcete-li vědět, jak v tomto kasina vyhrávat, měli byste mít na paměti, že úspěchu se nedosahuje jen díky štěstí, ale také díky trikům, takže je vhodné vyvinout metody a užívat si hru, aniž byste propadli tendenční závislosti.

Na druhou stranu je kromě nastavení hry nutné pracovat na sebevědomí, protože při soupeření s ostatními by měly mít přednost bezpečnost, klid a dovednosti před tím, co člověk nemá.

Další z motivací, které vedou hráče k tomu, aby chtěli umět vyhrávat ve virtuálním kasinu, je ekonomická odměna, kterou to s sebou nese, protože ti, kdo hrají, věří, že vyhrají, a tím si mimo jiné zlepší své výdaje a dosáhnou finančních cílů.

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Managed Standard Plan

With this standard plan, your site will always be up-to-date with all the basic SEO. Your content will be written for you effortlessly and new pages can be added as needed. Stay home and monitor your site performance via google analytics.

Services included:

-Fixing broken links

-Fixing off-line issue

-Checking for images issues

-Edit website content/ add/remove /change delete

-Assuring  a good on-page SEO

-Set up and connect Google Analytics

-Set up and manage the Google My Business listing

-Checking for 404 errors and server redirect

-Running backups

Please contact us at [email protected] or (239) 946-0255 to request this service. 

Managed Basic Plan

With this basic plan, you can rest assured that your site will be always online and functional! we will be running backup regularly for your site to avoid any important data loss.

Services included:

-Fixing broken links

-Fixing off-line issues

-Checking for image issues

-Running backups

Please contact us at [email protected] or (239) 946-0255 to request this service. 

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Check out the new April promotion: 50off with promo code. Save on almost everything.

Promo code: EASTER50

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